The glow is such a comfort and the world seems more at peace with a candle flickering in the room. so, about sharing some of your candlelight pictures? I, for one, would love to see the candles in your home. Want to share? I'll start.
Punk in front of a three panel mirror.
A CANdle we manufacture. Smells like the burning wood
in an open hearth.
Table pudding candle and oil lamp.
Small candolier hanging in the Settle bench.
I love using vintage candle molds as candlesticks.
A sweet rush light. Sometimes I will burn real rush on occasion.
I love this candle that sits on its own candle table
by the Master's chair.
A special candlestick made by Georgia's Cleter Meader.
Display in guest bedroom.
Battery candle in a black wax crow. I love it!
A gift from a special friend.
Electric candle on the washstand in guest bedroom.
It serves as the nightstand, too.
I hope you enjoyed your en'light'ening tour. Please post yours.