We were 'snug as a bug in a rug' this season! It doesn't get too cold here in the South but this season we installed a woodburning heater and didn't turn on our furnace in the house. (Experimenting to see how well it works and how we fare!)
Well, we did pretty good even with record cold temps! But we are so thankful for the warmer week we have experienced.
Just thought we would post some pics of the activity at our Cookhouse today.

One of our grands cutting potatos for Home Fries cooked on the woodstove. They dipped them into Homemade Spicy Ketchup and had Home Brewed Ginger Ale to wash it all down. A simple supper, a simple time of joy and loads of memories

Our little buddy chopping fat lighter wood. We get it from the swamps of South Georgia. It is the oily heart of the pine tree and will start a fire even on a wet day.

The 'least un' running to the Cookhouse for some grub. It was enjoyed by all but the fun of being together and enjoying the hobby of 19th century living was momentous.
Isn't it grand when your grandchildren think your hobby is 'cool'?
Pam and Frank